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यूपी बोर्ड के हाईस्कूल की परीक्षा फरवरी में शुरू होकर मार्च महीने में खत्म होगा. छात्र इंग्लिश के मॉडल पेपर यहां पर देख सकते हैं. इससे परीक्षा में तैयारी बेस्ट होगी और अच्छे नंबर मिलेंगे. 

यूपी बोर्ड 10वीं के इंग्लिश का मॉडल पेपर यहां देखें, तैयारी के साथ आएंगे बेहतर अंक

प्रतीकात्मक तस्वीर

मिर्जापुर: यूपी बोर्ड परीक्षा में महज कुछ ही शेष रह गए हैं. परीक्षार्थी जीतोड़ मेहनत कर रहे हैं और बेहतर नंबर पाने के लिए प्रयास कर रहे हैं. अगर यूपी बोर्ड के हाईस्कूल के छात्र इंग्लिश की तैयारी को अच्छी करना चाह रहे हैं तो मॉडल पेपर से तैयारी करें.  इससे कम समय में पेपर आइडिया की जानकारी होगी और मनमुताबिक नंबर भी मिलेंगे.

Class:- 10
Time:- Three Hours 15 Minutes
Max. Marks :- 70


Multiple Choice Questions

(Questions No. 1-3) Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct option to answer the questions that follow

When we enter New York harbour, the first thing we see is the Statue of Liberty. What impresses us most is its size and magnificence. Have you ever wondered how it came to be there? The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to mark the one hundred year anniversary of American Independence. In 1869, sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi began to plan his concept for the monument. Bartholdi envisioned Liberty as a strong and proud figure, one who personified not only the majestic Greek goddesses of the past, but also the working men and women of the present. Finally in 1884, the work was finished.

1. When we enter New York harbour, the first thing we see is:

(A) The Statue of Abraham Lincoln      (B) The Statue of Goddess Venus      (C) The Statue of Liberty      (D) The Statue of Goddess Laxmi

2. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of

(A) France       (B) Japan       (C) Greece        (D) England

3. The Statue of Liberty personifies

(A) The majestic Greek Goddesses of the past.      (B) Working men and women of the present.      (C) The Hindu Goddess Saraswati.     (D) Both (A) and (B)

(Questions No. 4-8) Choose the correct option to answer the following questions:

4. Complete the following sentence:

I will not go to his party…………..he invites me.

(A) until      (B) if      (C) unless      (D) but

5- This young man is true his word.

(A) of     (B) for     (C) at     (D) to

6. Rearrange the following words cluster to make a meaningful sentence:


(A) It been since night jast has raining.       (B) Night last been raining its since has.       (C) Been reining last night since it has.      (D) It has been raining since last night.

7. He spent a lot of money on purchasing costly clothes. (Identify the word ‘spent’)

(A) Noun      (B) Pronoun     (C) Verb      (D) Adverb

8. Which of the following words is misspelled?

(A) Prayer     (B) Mischief     (C) Grammer     (D) Attach

(Questions No. 9-10) Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct option to answer the questions that follow:

He wandered for seven years and finally sat down under a peepal tree, where he vowed to stay until enlightenment came. Enlightened after seven days, he renamed the tree, the Bodhi Tree (Tree of Wisdom) and began to teach and to share his new understandings.

9. Siddhartha Gautam wandered in search of enlightenment for

(A) four years        (B) seven years        (C) five years       (D) three years

10. Siddhartha Gautam got enlightenment sitting under

(A) a banyan tree        (B) a mango tree       (C) a peepal tree      (D) an oak tre

(Questions No. 11-13) Choose the correct option to answer the following questions:

11. Which quality of Lencho impressed the postmaster most?

(A) His foolishness      (B) His great faith in God      (C) His simplicity      (D) None of these

12. Who is the author of the lesson ‘His First Flight’?

(A) Paulo Coelho       (B) Liam O’Flaherty      (C) Roald Dahl       (D) Frederick Forsyth

13. Who had invited Rajvir to visit his home in Upper Assam?

(A) Pranjol’s father        (B) Pranjol       (C) A tea vendor       (D) A prominent leader of Assam

(Questions No. 14-15) Read the given extract and choose the correct option to answer the following questions:

The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbour and city on silent haunches and then moves on.

14. Who is the poet of the poem written above?

(A) Carl Sandburg      (B) William Butler Yeats      (C) John Berryman      (D) Robert Frost

15. The fog comes

(A) loudly     (B) hastily      (C) silently      (D) slowly

(Questions No. 16-20) Choose the correct option to answer the following questions:

16. For how many days was Tricki given no food?

(A) One day      (B) Four days      (C) Two days      (D) Six days

17. How old was Hari Singh when he met Anil?

(A) 15 years      (B) 17 years      (C) 20 years      (D) 21 years

18. What was the evidence against Horace that got him arrested?

(A) The keys      (B) His gloves      (C) His fingerprints      (D) All of the above

19. Select the correct option to answer the following:

Griffin was a

(A) brilliant scientist      (B) lawless person      (C) Both (A) and (B)       (D) None of the above

20. Who had invited Matilda’s husband for the ball (party)?

(A) The Prime Minister      (B) The President      (C) The Minister of Public Instruction      (D) The Governor



21. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Robin Hood was the leader of the company of outlaws who lived in Sherwood forest. His name was a terror to rich travellers, but he was loved by the poor, whom he saved from cruel landlords and often helped with money. The Sheriff of the nearby town was his bitter enemy. After many attempts to catch Robin Hood, the sheriff one day declared in the hearing of many people, \”I am willing to give half of my wealth to anyone who will help me to catch Robin Hood.\”

(a) Who was Robin Hood and where did he live?      (b) Who did Robin Hood help with money?      (c) Who was Robin Hood’s bitter enemy?      (d) Which word in the passage means ‘to make krown publicly or officially’?


22. Write an application to the Health Officer of your city requesting him to arrange for the cleanliness of your locality and spraying some insecticide to kill the mosquitoes.


Write a letter to your father requesting him to send 1,000 as you want to go on a tour programme arranged by your college and also a permission letter to participate in it.

23. Write an article for your college magazine in about 80-100 words telling the students the best ways to spend their vacation on the basis of the points given below.

(going on a pleasure trip; going to meet your cousins; learning swimming; practising some art, like painting or some musical instrument)


Write a paragraph in about 80-100 words on the importance of good manners in life on the basis of the points given below:

(i) Importance of good manners      (ii) A few examples      (iii) Their effect on our day-to-day life


24.(a) Rewrite the following sentence by changing it into Indirect Speech: Rashmi said to the stranger, \”What is your name and where do you live?\”

(b) Change the following sentence into Passive Voice: He has answered all the questions.

(c) Punctuate the following using capital letters also wherever necessary: what is your name asked my senior i replied my name is prachi

(d) Translate the following into English:

पुस्तकें हमारी सबसे अच्छी मित्र हैं. एक अच्छी पुस्तक पढ़ते समय हम अपनी परेशानियाँ एवं चिन्ताएँ भूल जाते हैं. पुस्तकें हमें ज्ञान देने के साथ-साथ चरित्र का निर्माण करती हैं. पुस्तकें हम में साहस एवं आशा का संचार भी करती हैं.


25. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:

(a) Why did Nelson Mandela thank the international leaders?


What did Kisa Gotami learn from the flickering of lights?

(b) Why was the young seagull afraid of flying?


How did Natalya react when she came to know that Lomov had come with the proposal of marriage?

26. Answer any one of the following in about 60 words:

(a) How did the rain change into disaster? How did it affect Lencho’s fields ?      (b) What did Rajvir see on the way during his car journey to Dhekiabari?

27. What type of life does Amanda wish for? Explain giving an example.


Write four lines of any poem prescribed in your syllabus. (Do not copy the lines given in the question paper)

28. Write \”The Central Idea’ of any one of the following poems in about 40-50 words:

(a) Dust of Snow      (b) The Trees       (c) The Tale of Custard the Dragon

29. Answer any one of the following in about 30-40 words:

(a) Why did Hari Singh return to Anil?        (b) Why was Ausable confident that Max would never return?

30. Answer any one of the following in about 60 words:

(a) Why did Bholi at first agree to an unequal match? Why did she later reject the marriage?        (b) How did a nursery book ‘Mother Goose’ save the Earth from a Martian invasion?


मॉडल पेपर है परीक्षा में तैयारी का बेस्ट तरीका, यहां देख सकते हैं मॉडल पेपर


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