Product Name: Orders Yamaha RX-596 receiver integrated amplifier
With the RX-596 you get 80 watts per channel with low distortion, (into 8 Ohm loads). It gives enough power to comfortably handle the audio needs of an average listening room and most speakers. This versatile receiver can handle up to four independent audio program sources, such as CD or cassette deck, plus two A/V sources, such as laser disc or DVD player. With Pure Direct Switching you can bypass the tone, loudness, and balance controls, routing the signal directly to Yamaha's discrete power amplifiers to orders provide the purest signal possible. The RX-596 incorporates a separate amplifier solely for the CD input. It bypasses the tone, loudness, input selector and balance controls to assure a pure power path. Symmetrical circuit and component layout ensures the least interference with the strongest signal. Yamaha's ToP-ART base is made of a composite designed to dampen vibration. A/B speaker selector allows picking either the 1st set of speakers or the 2nd - or both together.